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Student Research
Finish in Four*
with the skills to launch your career
Your four-year academic experience
will strengthen and refine your skills in communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. With a gender studies degree, upon graduation you will be prepared to:
- clearly communicate how we “do” gender, and how our gender is influenced by other aspects of our identities like race, class, age, ethnicity, sexuality, (dis)ability, and national identity;
- explain how and why gender- and/or sexuality-based inequalities are perpetuated;
- identify and critique the ways binary understandings of sex, gender, and sexuality like male/female, masculine/feminine, and straight/gay oversimplify and silence our complex gender and sexual identities; and
- identify how issues of gender affect our lives from our behavior and clothing to school, work, and family.
Explore our Graduate Outcomes to learn more about what our graduates are doing today.
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Popular Courses
- Introduction to Gender Studies
- Anthropology of Sex and Gender
- Psychology of Gender
- Mediating Gender and Sexuality
- Literature, Sexuality, & Gender