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Major & Minor

Bachelor of Arts

… because to get better answers, you need to ask better questions.

Do you realize you are “doing philosophy” all the time? Have you argued with a friend about what’s right? You’re doing ethics. Have you wondered if what you can see, touch, and taste is all that exists? You’re doing metaphysics. Have you worried about how to distinguish fact from fiction in the news? You’re using logic and critical thinking. Philosophy explores all these questions; and these courses will help you develop the skills to answer these questions and learn to ask better ones, which may be the most important skill of all.

Philosophy Degree

How Studying Philosophy Prepares You for a Variety of Careers 

What do employers want? People who can think clearly and critically, communicate effectively and efficiently, and think “outside the box.” Philosophy questions “the box” from every possible angle, and by so doing builds skills (the ability to assess complex ideas, analyze and construct arguments, and solve problems) that are useful in a wide range of professions. Philosophy is an excellent preparation for any field where critical thinking is required; including law, medicine, business, and journalism. 

Finish in Four*

with the skills to launch your career 

Your four-year academic experience

will strengthen and refine your skills in communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. Upon graduation, with a degree in philosophy you will be prepared to: 

  • think critically by questioning assumptions; 
  • formulate and defend ideas, devise and evaluate arguments; and 
  • analyze and simplify complicated problems.  

Explore our Graduate Outcomes to learn more about what our graduates are doing today. 

Meet our Faculty

Dr. Mark Hébert

Dr. Mark Hébert

Associate Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy Department Chair

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Popular Courses

  • Ancient and Medieval Philosophy 
  • Knowledge and Reality 
  • Environmental Philosophy 
  • Metaphysics 
  • Mind and Language