’RooNation is a club with a lifetime membership. No matter the time or distance, Austin College will always have a place in your heart.
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Stay Connected
Stay in Touch
Austin College alumni impact communities across Texas and around the world. Make sure to update your contact information so you always have access to the latest alumni news.
Homecoming Weekend
We look forward to welcoming you home to celebrate the past, present, and future of Austin College. Join us this fall as ’Roos and families return to campus for a festive three day celebration.
Signature Campus Events
Join us on campus for signature events such as TEDxAustin College, the Posey Leadership Award Convocation, the Kenneth Street Law Symposium, and many more events throughout the year.
Be on the lookout in your inbox for special invitations to events in your area as well, and please update us if your contact information changes.
Upcoming Events
When you can’t make it to campus, your ’Roo Community is in your backyard. Join us throughout the year for alumni gatherings across Texas and further abound.
When the Austin College 'Roo football program is in action in Apple Stadium, fun and memorable tailgating moments are happening in the Larry Kramer Outback, located just beyond the south end of the field. Bring your grills, tents, and drinks, and show your Kangaroo spirit!
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Be Involved
Roos Network
An Austin College-exclusive platform for alumni to network and build professional connections.
Alumni Board
Alumni from various class years, locations and interests, represent all Kangaroos and provide direction for alumni activities.
Volunteer Opportunities
Service is a cornerstone of our Austin College, reflecting our alumni's commitment to community and excellence.
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The Austin College Magazine
The Austin College Magazine is our annual publication to share highlights of what’s happening at Austin College throughout the year, as well as alumni updates and current student profiles.
’Roo Notes is your place to share your milestones and accomplishments with the rest of ’RooNation. Did you get married, have a little Joey, earn another degree, get a major promotion, retire, publish a book, start a business, receive an award, finish a marathon, travel around the world, or do something else noteworthy? We want to celebrate your accomplishments and share them with your peers in the Magazine. Please keep us looped into your life by submitting a ’Roo Note.
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Support Austin College
Your support ensures that we can continue to provide a high-quality affordable education to all of our students.
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Meet the Team