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Welcome to the Austin College Title IX Office

Here you can find the Title IX Policy, Coordinator contact information, and available resource information.

The Title IX Office at Austin College monitors and coordinates compliance with nondiscrimination laws and investigates complaints alleging discrimination and or harassment in regard to housing, admission, and employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, medical condition, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by state, local, or federal law.

To ensure a safe and respectful environment for all, please review our comprehensive policy here.

Austin College Sexual Misconduct and DiscriminatioN Policy

Please use this form to report discrimination incidents or sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, attempted or completed sexual violence, stalking, intimate partner or dating violence, or discrimination based on sex in a Austin College program or activity.

Sexual Misconduct Communication Form
Campus Online Confiential Reporting

Title IX Staff

Melanie Oelfke

Melanie Oelfke

Chief Human Resource Officer, Title IX Coordinator
Administration Building
Human Resources
Liz Washington

Liz Washington

Deputy Title IX and Compliance Coordinator, Human Resource Generalist
Administration Building
Human Resources

Emergency Contacts

Counseling Services

Campus Safety

Student Life Duty Number

Title IX Coordinator

Sherman Police

Grayson Crisis Center

National Sexual Assault Hotline


Training & Resources

Policies & Reports