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Zeta Chi Omega Icon

Zeta Chi Omega Bid Day 2024
Zeta Chi Omega was originally founded in 1980 and rechartered in 2016.  Zeta Chi Omega encourages scholastic achievement and participation in various school and community activities to develop self-esteem, character, and leadership skills. The sisters are known for their membership in a wide span of clubs across campus in addition to their love of service and helping others. Zeta Chi Omega promotes diversity, acceptance, sisterhood, peace, and perfection within the sorority. The Zeta Chi Omega symbols are the rose and dove. Doves are the only birds who fly with each other as well as other birds, so we try to be accepting of everybody and be friendly to all. Doves also represent peace, and roses are a symbol of perfection.  The colors of Zeta Chi Omega are Ivory and Wine.